February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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We are thrilled to announce that our new web server is finally in place. At approximately 11:30 AM PDT yesterday (Sunday, Sept 27), the new server went online.
This comes as a tremendous relief to all, and most especially AudioVerse's I/T Department, which has been overwhelmed with a seemingly exponential rise in performance-related technical problems and support requests over the last year.
We've also had a chance to do some benchmark tests on both servers. Before we got the new server, we predicted that it could handle 10 times the traffic load of the old one. And once we had it assembled, we found that it could do up to 20 times the load. But now that the old server is offline and we've been able to test it as well, it turns out that our reference point was overly optimistic. The new server can actually handle 35 times the previous traffic load! This means that AudioVerse should be well-prepared for considerable growth for years to come.
We praise God for His guidance throughout this whole process, from the initial idea of getting a better server, to the specifications we came across, to the fundraiser, to the installation and configuration process. Virtually everything happened faster and better than we imagined it would be.
The dust is still settling a bit, but once a few remaining (minor) issues clear up, we'll be ready for some exciting improvements we've been dreaming about. How about a version of AudioVerse made for iPhones and mobile devices? What about an iPhone application? Better Facebook integration, anyone? These are just a few ideas we've been tossing around, which are likely to be implemented in the coming months. Stay tuned!
-The AudioVerse Team