February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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We're back from GYC 2008, and after resting up and enjoying the Christmas holiday, we've finally finished uploading all of the recordings. We want to offer a BIG thank-you to all of the volunteers who helped out. From the floor managers, to the room volunteers, to the CD duplication team, to the album stuffing team, to the sales team, to the uploading team... we couldn't have done it without you!!!
As the New Year rolls around, we can't help but to praise God that He has been so good to AudioVerse and has grown it in the way that He has. We've come a long way since our early beginnings... who knew ahead of time that simply posting sermons for free downloading would attract so much attention? It was a demand we hardly knew was there. But God took it and has magnified it tremendously.
Sometimes the best things come when you aren't really looking for them!