February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Some of you may recall that we have been piloting an approach toward expanding the reach of AudioVerse internationally. We’ve been translating certain messages from our English library into Japanese and have been gradually building out our collection of Japanese content.
Just recently we received a card in the mail from a Japanese listener. (This note is translated from Japanese.)
“I listened to a sermon by Dr. Norman McNulty on AudioVerse. It touched my heart. It helped me to realized that I need to repent again and have a deeper persuasion by the help of Holy Spirit in these last days.
May God’s blessing be upon Dr. McNulty, as well as all the people who have worked for AudioVerse. May the Lord bless this ministry. God bless you.”
The message our friend listened to was, Sleeping at Midnight, by Dr. Norman McNulty which was translated by our Japanese team. We praise God that AudioVerse is having an impact in Japanese!
And we know that this individual is not alone because just within 2019, we have seen the monthly usage of AudioVerse Japanese increase by 400%! We may not hear directly from all of them, but we can be assured that God’s Word never returns to Him void!
While we continue to learn a lot in our pilot project with the Japanese site, you can be sure that we are not satisfied with what we’ve accomplished thus far. Our vision extends just as far as our mandate goes in Revelation 14, and that includes “every nation, kindred, tongue, and people”.
To enable sustainable growth into multiple languages, there is a significant amount of groundwork that needs to be laid. But the biggest bottleneck holding us back right now is that of our content management software. Significant improvements need to be made to enable us to scale up our operations to expand into multiple languages in an orderly and efficient manner.
We estimate that we will need at least $100,000 on top of our existing operation expenses in the next year for these software development costs. So your help is very much needed in this endeavor!
As you plan your year-end contributions, please prayerfully consider whether the Lord would have you give a bit more toward this mission this year. And if you’ve never given before, there is no better time to start!
There are a variety of ways to contribute to AudioVerse:
As 2019 comes rapidly to a close, your help is still needed for AudioVerse to meet our budget for the year. It is usually during this season of giving when the needed funds come in to meet our budgeted goals, and this year is no different. So please prayerfully consider what the Lord may be impressing you to give in support of the mission of AudioVerse this year.
Thank you for your support!
Yours in Christ,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. In this final month of the year, your help is still needed for AudioVerse to meet our budget for the year! Besides the funds needed for the ongoing operations of the ministry, we need to invest into our content management software in order for us to scale up our work internationally. We estimate that this will cost at least $100,000 on top of our existing expenses next year. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us financially to fulfill the Gospel mandate to go to “every nation, kindred, tongue, and people”!
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315