February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Recently, at the AMEN 2019 Conference in Florida, a lady with her husband stopped by our booth to share her appreciation for AudioVerse and the messages that she listens to every day.
“I listen to AudioVerse every night when I go to bed. I can’t sleep without it!” She shared as her husband nodded silently with a wry grin.
During one of the meals, another gentleman shared with me, “I listen to AudioVerse every night. I love going to sleep listening to God’s Word!” After a pause and a nervous chuckle, he added, “I used to play it over the speakers in the bedroom, but my wife has made me use headphones now instead.”
At least one other person shared a similar testimony with me over the weekend event, and truth be told, this is one of the most common remarks I hear from AudioVerse listeners that I meet. It seems AudioVerse has become part of a bedtime routine for many of our users!
And who can blame them. Just like my four year-old daughter craves a story or two (or ten…) before bed, even adults could use the reassuring Words of our Heavenly Father each night.
It’s exhilarating to hear dramatic and suspenseful testimonies from our users, but I’m also thankful for the small, seemingly mundane stories too. While the effect might be imperceptible, yet the impress surely will still be indelible.
Just think, if an individual listens to God’s Word for just a half hour each night, she would have heard the Bible preached to her for 15 hours each month. Put another way, in the course of a year, it would be the equivalent of listening to sermons straight for over a week and a half! With that kind of input, how can the Word NOT have an impact on the life?
Some of you probably can relate with these friends that I spoke with, but interestingly enough, it appears King David himself experienced something similar.
I have remembered thy name, O LORD, in the night, and have kept thy law. - Psalm 119:55
When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches. - Psalm 63:6
Who knows, if AudioVerse existed in his day, perhaps David would have listened as he went to bed too?
As we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday this week in the United States, I am thankful for the opportunity to participate in the work of changing lives—even if it means something as simple as helping folks go to bed to the sound of God’s Word.
And I am thankful for YOU, our faithful supporters, who make this work possible.
As the world winds up for the commercialized season of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas shopping, I want to remind you that December 3 will be Giving Tuesday, a day focused on giving back to causes that we believe in. I invite you to consider a special gift toward the mission of AudioVerse during this day of giving.
There are a variety of ways to partner with AudioVerse financially this year:
As 2019 comes rapidly to a close, your help is still needed for AudioVerse to meet our budget for the year. It is usually during this season of giving when the needed funds come in to meet our budgeted goals, and this year is no different. So please prayerfully consider what the Lord may be impressing you to give in support of the mission of AudioVerse this year. Thank you in advance for your support!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315