February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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The Lord is coming, are you ready?
The signs of Jesus’ coming are thickening all around us—lately, they’ve been hard to miss! This world is waxing old like a garment. The whole creation groans in pain. If you’re like me, you’ve probably been numb with shock at the sheer devastation from natural disasters in the past month. The succession of destructive storms—Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria—along with earthquakes and fires have wreaked havoc on millions of lives. There’s no mistaking it, this world won’t last much longer.
Without a doubt, you are also aware of other storms brewing in the civil unrest, political turmoil, and rumors of wars that grow by the day. Nations are angry, the love of many are waxing cold, and strife has become the new normal of the day.
If there was ever a time to draw near to Jesus, it is now. He is the only shelter we have for the final storm about to burst upon this world. Jesus Himself admonished us, “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” Luke 21:28
As we contemplate the nearness of the end of time, I want to share with you a seminar series by Elder Ed Reid, one of our AudioVerse board members. Entitled, “All the World Marveled”, this series of messages will strengthen your faith that Jesus IS coming soon, and that it’s something we don’t want to miss. I pray that it will be a blessing to you.
Elder Reid is also a best-selling author of a number of books on the topic of the end-times and the Second Coming. We are happy to share that several of them are available now in the AudioVerse Store. These are excellent resources for your own library or to share with others.
Visit the AudioVerse Store to find more helpful resources to fortify your faith for the trying times ahead. There indeed is a storm coming, but praise God He has not left us without a shelter. May we turn our eyes to Jesus and take to heart His words, “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” Matthew 24:44.
Let us study to show ourselves approved unto God,
P.S. As we see the indicators that this world cannot last much longer, how can we be prepared for the grand conclusion of the Great Controversy? AudioVerse has many resources designed to help us be ready for the momentous times ahead of us and the coming of Jesus! Elder Ed Reid presented a series of messages entitled “All the World Marveled” that is available on AudioVerse, and we also have a number of his bestselling books on this topic in our online store. Check them out and may we each prepare ourselves for the Lord to come.
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