February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
1m read
I am excited to report that production has begun in earnest on the first courses for AudioVerse Advance!
Late last month, a team from AudioVerse headed up to Cedar Lake, Michigan to film the footage for the first few courses with our partners at the Emmanuel Institute of Evangelism. Even though the largest snowstorm of the season swept through while we were there, we praise God that we were still able to complete all the filming on our trip.
I want to especially acknowledge the spectacular instructors who worked tirelessly on their scripts, stayed long hours to film with us, and who radiated passion and enthusiasm for training others to be soul winners. These pastors cheerfully took time out of their busy schedules to work with us on these courses, and we know that the Lord will bless their sacrifice!
We know many of you are curious to find out more details about AudioVerse Advance, so we are happy to share some additional information with you.
The first two courses that will be ready at launch will be Evangelism 101 and Personal Evangelism. Combined, these courses provide nearly 10 hours of instruction on the fundamentals of soul winning. We have a roadmap of many other courses to come, and we will work toward releasing those as soon as we can.
The Emmanuel Institute instructors that you will see in these courses are no strangers to the AudioVerse family. All of them have messages on AudioVerse already, and all of them are highly qualified to teach because they have a deep love for souls and have led many to Christ themselves.
In addition to the production of our course material, we are also hard at work building our online classroom. It is going to be a powerful online platform that greatly enhances the learning experience with tools to navigate and absorb information quickly, to encourage retention, and even to interact with fellow students.
But we still have web development needs! If you or someone you know might be interested, AudioVerse is looking to hire a full-time web developer to join our team. Follow this link for more information.
Web Developer Needed! Click here to learn more!
We look forward to launching AudioVerse Advance this summer, and we will continue to keep you updated on the latest in the coming months.
But you can actually be a part of AudioVerse Advance today.
Your financial partnership is essential to enable us to produce these courses. Some generous donors have agreed to match your gifts dollar-for-dollar to double the impact of every donation. This opportunity is still open, so it’s not too late to join in to help with the production of AudioVerse Advance!
Your gift of any size will make a tremendous difference in the ongoing development of AudioVerse Advance. You may give by check to our address below, or by credit card online through our donate page. To be sure that gifts go toward the AudioVerse Advance matching fund, please note “AudioVerse Advance” in the memo of your check or the comments in your online transaction.
I will leave you with a screenshot of one of the video courses that we are working on. Thank you again for your faithful support.
Let us advance!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. Production has started for the first courses for AudioVerse Advance! You can be a part of this exciting initiative today. Your gifts for this project can be matched dollar-for-dollar, DOUBLING your impact for the Lord! Whether you choose to give by check or online, please note “AudioVerse Advance” in the memo to make sure the match is applied. We can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on when AudioVerse Advance launches this summer! (Click here to give at our online donate page.)
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315