February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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The AudioVerse team was happy to be in San Antonio for the 60th General Conference Session. It was ten busy days of sharing about AudioVerse and fellowshipping with our church family. At our booth, we had the privilege of meeting thousands of fellow believers from around the globe—many of them already AudioVerse users! Here’s a quick peek at all the action:
We gave away our CDs of the Top 50 Messages, promo gift bags, pens, and stickers like the leaves of autumn! If you are one of the over 1200 people who signed up for our email newsletter and are receiving this email for the first time, I say "Welcome to the AudioVerse family!" (We DO have a winner of our iPad drawing, and the iPad is enroute over the ocean as we speak. We'll announce who it is once it arrives.)
I want to express a special word of thanks for all of you who donated to enable AudioVerse to be at the GC. Your gifts were essential for us to have anything to share with our brothers and sisters. I also want to give a special word of appreciation to all our intrepid volunteers who responded to our call for help; who so cheerfully, willingly, and energetically spread the word at Booth C1222! Thank you!
For those of you who weren’t able to visit us in person in the exhibit hall, you can still experience some of the blessings of the GC on AudioVerse:
Meeting people at GC of different cultures, languages, experiences, and even attire reminded me that we are a church of wide diversity. And as we saw over the ten days, this also extended to opinions and emotions as discussions proceeded and decisions were made. In processing all that is happening in the church as well as in the world, I am reminded of the following passage from Acts of the Apostles, page 12:
Enfeebled and defective as it may appear, the church is the one object upon which God bestows in a special sense His supreme regard. It is the theater of His grace, in which He delights to reveal His power to transform hearts.
I choose to have faith that in spite of the weakness of humanity, God is still at work in the church. It is still the object of His supreme regard. Regardless of what I may see in the church, I choose to humbly participate in this “theater of grace” that He might demonstrate His power to transform MY heart—I'm told it is His delight to do so!
Arise! Shine! Jesus IS coming! Will you join me in prayer for our church, our leaders, and for ourselves—that we might be found humbly surrendered in Him? Then will you join me in getting back to finishing the work assigned us to do?
Let us be faithful until He comes,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. While we met hundreds who knew about AudioVerse at our booth at the GC, we also met thousands who haven’t heard of us before too! There’s still a lot of work to do to spread the word, and we need your help to do it. Please consider a financial gift to the ministry to help us reach even more people with the Three Angels Messages online! You may donate by check or online.
Photo ©2015 Adventist Review / ANN. Photo by James Bokovoy
AudioVerse, PO Box 2288, Collegedale, TN 37315