February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Dear Friends,
Just the other day, a homeschooling mother asked me what messages from AudioVerse she could incorporate into her children's curriculum. What a great idea!
I thought. Then it hit me that this wasn't the first time I'd heard of unique and creative ways people had used the resources at AudioVerse. I started getting excited as I recollected other stories. Check out what Stella told us:
I am an academy teacher and consider myself a lay-evangelist in the classroom every day. Our school went to an all iPad school this year (no textbooks). One of the blessings of that has been that I can download some of your messages and put them in the hands of every student. What a tool and blessing.
But it gets better! Earlier in April, I spoke with friends who run a radio ministry in South Carolina. They broadcast messages they download from AudioVerse and regularly reach over 40,000 people with their radio programs. And there are other stations doing the same thing!
Just think, what registers as one download in our records may actually reflect a homeschooling family, an entire academy classroom, or even the populations of whole cities! This brings to mind a quote:
By faithfulness in little duties, we are to work on the plan of addition, and God will work for us on the plan of multiplication. [Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 360]
At AudioVerse, we want to do our best in these little duties, knowing that God will multiply our feeble efforts. We invite you to consider partnering with us today in this plan of addition by:
I know the Lord wants to multiply the influence of His Word more than we can even imagine!
Yours in the blessed hope,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. Don’t forget that our friends in Canada, the UK, and the US can help AudioVerse financially simply by shopping at Amazon! You can also give directly online at our donate page or by check to the address below:
4815 Impala Park
San Antonio, TX 78251