February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Dear Friends,
As many of you know, GYC is coming in just a few weeks. We want to let you know that AudioVerse will be there and we want to meet you! Not only that, we have some exciting opportunities for you to partner with AudioVerse as we get ready to head into 2013.
Here is how you can help:
Tell us your testimonies
Do you have an encouraging story of how AudioVerse has blessed your life? We want to hear it! We will be filming short interviews onsite at GYC, so if you would like to share your story with us, let us know and we will be in touch to schedule a time during the convention to shoot the interview. Your story can help many others reap a blessing! (Even if you can’t attend GYC, we welcome written, audio, or video recordings of your story!)
Help spread the word about AudioVerse
Ever wish that you had something to hand someone you were telling about AudioVerse? If so, we want to give you some AudioVerse promotional materials so you are equipped to share about this website with your friends and family back home. We do have limited supply, so please contact us in advance if you would like some. We especially want to extend a special invitation to our international friends to help us spread the word back in your countries. Let us know if you are coming, and we will do our best to reserve some for you.
Give a year-end financial gift
Planning on making some financial contributions before 2012 is over? Consider helping AudioVerse with a financial gift. Of course, all financial gifts are tax-deductible in the US. You may give online here, or by check via the physical address at the bottom of this message.
Please drop by the AudioVerse booth at GYC and say “hello!” We would love to meet you. If you are able to help us in any of the ways listed above, please contact us! See you at GYC!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. Take advantage of this last opportunity to get the current AudioVerse t-shirt! We will be redesigning the AudioVerse t-shirt in the near future. Only a limited number are still available for a suggested donation of at least $5 each, male sizes from M-XXL in both black and white. Contact us if you want to reserve one or more, and we’ll deliver them to GYC for you.
P.P.S. While you’re at our booth at GYC, be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a chance to win a Google Nexus 7 tablet!
4815 Impala Park
San Antonio, TX 78251