February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Dear AudioVerse Listener,
We are excited that October 2012 marked the seventh birthday for AudioVerse! In seven years, this ministry has experienced incredible Spirit-infused growth and lives continue to be changed every day. We are writing you today because we need your help to continue to spread the Gospel around the world. Just recently we received these messages from listeners:
This website has changed my life...Because of this website, the messages have led me to find Jesus, and I have recommitted my life to God. But not only that, the more I have learned the more I want to share what I have learned. – Zambia
Thank you AudioVerse for listening to the leading of the Spirit and starting this ministry...It has truly reformed my thinking and created a revival in my life. I really think that I would be lost had the Lord not led me to AudioVerse. – Wisconsin, USA
Since its inception, AudioVerse has operated entirely through the sacrifice of volunteers, but the opportunities that lie ahead for this ministry require more time and resources than what a purely volunteer workforce can manage. The key to the continued growth and vitality of this ministry is a robust organizational infrastructure. So AudioVerse is undergoing the most significant organizational upgrade since this ministry was started. The goal is to continue providing a consistently high quality experience for our listeners and to push even further in expanding the impact of this ministry for God. We are excited about these plans, but to attain this requires investment in the following:
These organizational changes will require increased financial resources, and this is why we are asking for your help today. AudioVerse would not exist without the generosity of people like you, and we need the financial support of AudioVerse’s friends now more than ever. Please consider a financial gift to help ensure AudioVerse stays a vibrant and active ministry. Better yet, become a financial partner of AudioVerse through a monthly commitment.
We estimate that we will need $150,000 in all for the year 2013. Your gifts, no matter what size, are guaranteed to make a difference! Thank you in advance for your financial help. (Remember, all gifts are tax-deductible in the US for the 2012 tax year if dated by Dec. 31, 2012.)
God has made a tremendous impact through AudioVerse in the first seven years, let’s work together with Him to make an even greater impact in the years to come.
Yours in Christ,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. Please send your gift to us at the address below or click the Donate button where you can give by credit card or PayPal.
4815 Impala Park
San Antonio, TX 78251