February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Dear AudioVerse Listener,
WOW! 9 million sermons! That's the total number of messages that have been downloaded from AudioVerse to date. Today, we want to extend the opportunity for you to help us reach 10 million! Users around the world are using our FREE service and they, like you, are being blessed! How do we know? Check out a few of the many emails we have received:
I honestly can say that AudioVerse was pivotal in my spiritual life. The messages on your site have made me very serious about God's Message - the message that has been entrusted to us. It's what helped me stop listening to worldly music... I have stopped messing with the things of the world. - U.S.A.
It's a great blessing... so many answered questions! Keep posting and may this continue to be a tool used by God to save his children. - Malaysia
Thank you very much for what you're doing, it allows me to download powerful and thought provoking sermons and listen to them on my phone whenever my personal Bible studies face a dead-end or when I feel lonely and want to hear a friendly voice talking about our Lord. - Argentina
I'm 24 years old and I'm blessed by AudioVerse's ministry. God just woke me up and it's great to have a source for free sermons drenched in unapologetic TRUTH.
I believe our time on earth is short and AudioVerse must expand its services to reach even more people around the world. That's why I'm asking for your financial help.
Till now, AudioVerse has grown by word of mouth and volunteer help, but our vision to reach millions more requires additional resources. I'm sure you will agree with me that this is an opportunity we don't want to miss!
Jesus said to take this gospel to the entire world. AudioVerse has only begun to reach the world with this life-saving message of hope. We must act now! Please partner us so the unapologetic TRUTH has the opportunity to change lives for eternity. Will you help us reach 10 million downloads and more?
Your gifts, no matter what size, are guaranteed to make a difference! Please click the Donate button at the top of the screen to give by credit card, PayPal, or check. Thank you in advance for your financial help.
In Christ,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. A great way to financially partner with us is through our monthly Auto-gift option online. Check it out by visiting the Donate page at the top of the webpage.